
Transport Planning and Road Traffic Management

Modern technology is not sufficient in itself for achieving a significant improvement in the situation on the roads. For high-quality planning and efficient management of infrastructure and road traffic, every element of the transport system must be integrated into a single platform. Centralised management is used to develop optimal transport models, expand road capacity and create additional sources of revenue.
Smart Solutions for Road Traffic Management

Digitalisation of Public Transport

Passenger flow and vehicle numbers are constantly growing in Russian cities, while public transport is inefficient and offers no real competition to private vehicles. This is causing chronic traffic jams and public discontent. Meanwhile, regional governments are failing to earn indirect income from their public transport networks. Identifying and eliminating existing problems helps to make public transport networks commercially advantageous for the regions, to make transport more accessible and to improve connectivity between city districts.
Smart Solutions for Managing Road Traffic

Road Infrastructure Maintenance

The state of road transport infrastructure and its constituent elements is usually checked “manually”. To make the roads safer and optimise planning and expenditure, up-to-date information is required on the state of road infrastructure and facilities. Creating a digital twin of the road infrastructure with continuous monitoring helps to improve the speed and efficiency of the work, cutting costs and simplifying the preparation of any required documentation, such as Road Traffic Management Regulations, Integrated Road Traffic Management Schemes etc.
A smart solution for monitoring and quickly addressing road infrastructure problems.

Technology for Improving Road Safety

We develop intelligent solutions and use service approach to resolve traffic infrastructure problems quickly and efficiently. As a result, the number of accidents is reduced by 15%, the total traffic jams time goes down, road and transport services get tools to analyze situations at hand, reduce costs and switch to a transparent traffic flow management model.
Smart solutions: safety, efficiency, quality
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