A multifunctional app designed to facilitate the work of the traffic police

Vehicle Search and Control

About the Product

Vehicle Search and Control is an app which enables traffic inspectors to identify habitual traffic offenders and to carry out special control and search activities more efficiently. No additional equipment is required for the app: it uses existing stationary or mobile traffic cameras.
Identification of Fine Dodgers and Debtors
The software checks the registration numbers of vehicles passing the cameras against a data base and flags up any matches, informing the traffic police patrol via a dedicated tablet.
Identification of Vehicles Committing Offences
The app identifies vehicles with fake number plates and warns the traffic police patrol if a vehicle is uninsured or violates the traffic rules for specific types of vehicles.
Identification of habitual traffic offenders
The app warns of an approaching offender with minimal delay, enabling the police to perform a manual check of the vehicle. This helps to prevent hazardous situations on the road.


Using the app results in an increase in the number of punishable offences recorded. Daily statistical overviews identify the routes followed by most offenders, making the work of the traffic police more efficient.


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