Creation and Optimisation of Transport Models at Local, Regional and Federal Levels

Transport Planning and Modelling

About the Product

Today’s transport systems do not meet modern quality and safety standards, and suggestions on improving them are often based on obsolete statistics and never implemented. We use the MATSim and SUMO tools to build dynamic transport models, while the OTS Lab FC platform for transport system quality monitoring and optimisation enables rapid adaptation of transport systems to any situation.
Transport System Optimisation
We not only analyse the current situation but also use current data to create the most precise predictive behavioural model possible. An evolutionary algorithm helps to find optimal solutions for improving transport networks, from minor local changes to the construction of new interchanges and roads.
Cost Reduction
Modelling of transport systems helps to pinpoint vulnerabilities and identify potential new revenue streams, such as building toll roads where there is demand (revenue and utilisation are predicted with ±1-2% accuracy). Better access to public transport increases the value of residential and commercial premises.
Adaptation to Change
Construction of new housing complexes, special events and road repairs all impact the work of the transport system. By continuously analysing the data, it is possible to take any changes into account and promptly adapt the transport network to prevent any deterioration in the situation on the roads.
Drafting of Documentation
On the basis of our analysis, we draw up integrated transport development programmes and road traffic management and transport schemes for cities and agglomerations, together with integrated strategies and concepts for the development of transport systems and strategies to promote cycling.


Multiagent transport models are being successfully applied in major cities and agglomerations, including St. Petersburg, Moscow and Greater Moscow , Vladivostok, Krasnoyarsk, Samara and Derbent.

Transport Schemes

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