Artificial intelligence controls construction waste removal and disposal

Solution by Urbantech group of companies for the Ministry of Environment of Moscow region
A construction boom in Greater Moscow generates about 50 million cubic metres of waste annually, most of which is dumped in unauthorised landfill sites. To tackle this problem, the Moscow Ministry of Ecology region approved a new "Procedure for Handling Construction and Demolition Waste". From the 1st June 2021, an automated system for moving "CDSW" construction wastes and an "E-ticket" platform have been launched in the region.

Urbantech group of companies has become the technology partner of Moscow region's MOE and developed an artificial intelligence-based system for digital control of vehicles and routes, integrated with the Ministry's accounting systems.

About the Project

Neural networks identify large vehicles and their number plates, recognizing the presence of CDSW (construction, demolition and soil waste) in the back of the truck based on images received from video surveillance cameras.

The data is cross-checked against the state registration plates database and waste movement permits issued by "E-Ticket" and AIS "CDSW" (automated information system "Regulation of movement of construction, demolition and soil waste").
Technical implementation
The system monitors the vehicle's route and identifies the presence or absence of cargo. If the vehicle has not passed through any official landfill check point and still came back without cargo, the system restores its route, and environmental inspectors determine the presumed place of CDSW dumping, carry out a comprehensive inspection and issue an administrative offence resolution.
Digital control in action
Reduction of illegal dumps in Moscow region, compared to 2020
Reduction of residents' complaints about illegal dumps, compared to 2020


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