
Holistic Approach to Road Safety is Key to Success

Increased road safety is a central goal of the Safe High-Quality Roads National Project. The project envisions a reduction in the Russian roads’ death toll to 4 fatalities per 100 thousand of the country’s population by 2030, for which purpose more traffic enforcement camera units will be installed.
To accomplish this task, regions need to either give a boost to their own competencies in the areas of road safety and traffic enforcement camera maintenance or engage professional operators under service/concession contracts.

Here is an example from Urbantech Group’s operations in the Moscow Region: total of 11 accidents were registered at certain sections of A-108 and M-5 Urals federal highways, and at the Kolomna–Malino regional road, taking a toll of 4 and leaving 18 injured. Several months after these areas were profoundly covered by traffic enforcement cameras, the Moscow Region’s Transport Department noticed a 40% overall drop in traffic violations at these road sections, with zero accident rates.

Subject to continued effective oversight on the part of the prosecutor’s office and the general public, such an approach will take us a good deal closer to the ultimate goal of zero road fatality rate.

Author: Sergey Dianov, Director of Business Development of GC "Urbantech"