
Urbantech Presented Its Transport Industry Digital Transformation Projects for the Moscow Region at TAdviser SummIT

Mikhail Rodionov, Chief Operating Officer of Urbantech Group, spoke at the “Public Sector IT” sub-forum, held as part of TAdviser SummIT, about the projects in the spheres of artificial intelligence, video analytics and city digital twins delivered by the company for the Moscow Region.

Illegal construction waste transportation and disposal monitoring system.

The waste transportation monitoring system was developed by the order of the region’s Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management. It is based on data acquired from traffic enforcement cameras which is then processed by a neural network. The neural network identifies the license place number and checks against a special register whether a permission to transport construction waste is available. In case of a violation, the system will generate photographic evidence and draft a report for subsequent enforcement action. As the result of the system implementation, already in the first quarter of 2022 we saw a 46% reduction year-on-year in the number of waste dump sites around the Moscow Region, and a 63% reduction in the number of community complaints.

Taxi color scheme compliance control

By the order of the Moscow Region’s Transport and Road Infrastructure Ministry, Urbantech’s specialists have developed the “Taxi Control”, an automated system that controls compliance of Moscow Region taxis with the color scheme prescribed by the region’s standards by analyzing the data supplied by traffic enforcement cameras. Here again, a neural network, trained on dozens of thousands of reference taxi images, is used to recognize the color patterns. It identifies taxis in the video stream by their license plate numbers and transmits data to the Moscow Region’s Transport Ministry for a follow-up check. After such checks, official orders are issued requiring taxi companies and operators to rectify violations.

Road infrastructure digital twin

For the City of Moscow, Autodiscovery mobile labs have been developed that create a digital twin of the capital’s road infrastructure. Such a mobile lab is a hardware and software system deployed in a motor car that is equipped with a lidar and other instruments and empowered by appropriate software. The mobile lab recognizes and classifies road infrastructure elements in the course of 360° image capturing. The lidar provides 10 cm measurement accuracy, while the overall digitization speed is 200 km/day per lab. As the result, information on the condition of road facilities and their conformity with legislative requirements always remains up-to-date, so that it never takes more than a couple of days to draft traffic management design documents.

Demand Responsive Service (DRT)

Urbantech’s specialists have developed a Demand Responsive Service app: on the passenger’s side, the app allows to select a pick-up point within walking distance and a destination point. Artificial intelligence dynamically control’s the driver’s route. Urbantech’s DRT solves the ease of travel issue in an effective and contemporary manner. Other developments include an API for interfacing with third-party information systems and software, plus an AI-powered algorithmic engine.
