
Urbantech Group’s Project Wins Gold Award at Mellow Autumn Agro-Industrial Exhibition

The Organizing Committee of the 24th Mellow Autumn National Agro-Industrial Exhibition awarded a gold medal to Urbantech’s customer, the State Technical Oversight Authority of Moscow Region’s Ministry of Ecology, for “Adoption of Advanced Methods of Oversight of Technical Condition of Self-Propelled Vehicles and Other Machinery Types.”

“At the exhibition, we presented an upgraded platform with elements of artificial intelligence,” said Tihon Firsov, Moscow Region’s Minister of Ecology and Nature Management. “It has performed successfully in its original functionality, as it analyzes enforcement camera data to identify illegal transportation of construction waste and soil. In collaboration with the Urbantech Group of Companies, we have refined the system so that now it is also capable of identifying vehicles that set out on a trip without mandatory technical inspection. This allows to dramatically cut down the time spent by inspectors to identify such vehicles. The effect of this is in a drastically improved speed and effectiveness of state technical oversight.”

The exhibition participants learned about the Ecology Ministry’s achievements during the “Government support mechanisms for Russia’s agricultural machinery fleet upgrade” session. The platform developed in the Moscow Region received everyone’s acclaim.
