
Igor Kanatchenko: “The government of the Republic of Dagestan supports a complex approach to the resolution of Makhachkala’s transport problems.”

Igor Kanatchenko: “The government of the Republic of Dagestan supports a complex approach to the resolution of Makhachkala’s transport problems.”

Intelligent control by means of a transport system is a kind of technology used to regulate traffic. Solutions in this field are being brought to life in many cities around the Russian Federation and are producing a tangible effect, reducing the load on traffic, decreasing the number of road traffic incidents, improving comfortable conditions for citizens.  

“Implemented technological solutions are aimed at increasing safety and guaranteeing comfortable movement for drivers and pedestrians alike. It is vital that we analyse the current situation and draw certain conclusions in order to co-ordinate our next steps. We must hope that we will achieve the necessary improvements by way of our combined efforts,” notes vice-chairman of the Republic of Dagestan, Batyr Emeev, in conversation with a RIA “Dagestan” news correspondent.

Igor Kanatchenko, Urbantech Group of Companies’ director of the Department of Integration Projects, answered questions posed today by RIA “Dagestan”during a Zoom press conference.

Which tasks in the city can ITS help to solve?
First and foremost is the Intelligent Transportation System - a complex instrument used to solve transport problems in the city.
ITS helps us to look at the current situation of the transport industry from another angle: to analyse a situation on the city roads at any given moment, single out certain districts where traffic is coming from and going to, determine the time periods when this happens. ITS can specify where traffic congestion occurs, help to reveal both the causes and the acute problems which provoke difficulties on the roads.

How exactly do we do this?
We are able to do this with the help of transport detectors and video camera sensors, and with the help of traffic lights. In this way we can gather information, thus getting the opportunity to take a look retrospectively and think up ways to react effectively to traffic complications.

Could you please tell us what has already been done?
In December 2021 the first stage of ITS implementation was completed. Vast amounts of work were carried out, which were connected to the installation of peripheral objects; 20 traffic light columns were modernised in the centre of town, on Magomed Yaragskovo and Korkmasov Streets, Rasul Gamzatov Avenue and Peter the First Avenue (in entirety). The traffic lights themselves were also modernised, panoramic swivel cameras, traffic camera video surveillance were installed, as well as transport detectors - both tactical and strategic. 

Naturally, wired communication was installed, as well as a centre for data analysis being established as an information hub. Within the framework of a state contract, our team created a centre for traffic management. This was to enable the road situation in Makhachkala to be controlled in real time. 

We then provided training for 4 employees of the city transport committee and also introduced a round-the-clock shift work schedule. We are counting on the CCTD starting up fully in March. Currently, statistical information is being gathered and accumulated, on the basis of which plans and algorithms for traffic light control in the city can be devised. Naturally it depends on the situation on the roads, weather conditions and morning/evening rush hours. 

What have we managed to do so far? We have launched a green wave on Peter the First Avenue. Feedback has already been forthcoming - around 60,000 responses on social networking sites. It really is very pleasant! The important thing is that people are noticing these changes - that this work is in demand and the city is ready for change. We are, in turn, ready to help.

How many stages in total are planned?
It is important to single out 3 of the largest stages that should be completed by the end of each year. At the end of December 2021, we completed the first one; the next will be towards the end of October 2022; then, by the end of October 2023, we will complete the third stage of introducing ITS within the framework of a state contract. 
At the moment work is actively going on to equip the centre for traffic control. Video wall installation is anticipated in the coming days and weeks, furniture is being purchased to equip operators’ work stations.

Could you specify how long ITS installation will take?
By October 2023.

On what level would you say collaboration between our local, regional, and municipal powers-that-be is at, and how cohesively is mutual interaction being organised? How would you rate their performance?
Our team has received support on all levels - from city administration specialists to the highest ranking officials of the Republic, supervising the transport industry. The government of the Republic of Dagestan supports a complex approach to the resolution of Makhachkala’s transport problems. In turn, we are coming out with additional suggestions on how to improve the situation in the city. We are counting on the support of regional and city powers-that-be alike, in order to widen ITS’s coverage area to a larger area. In addition, we hope to resolve the issues of traffic jams and spontaneous parking on the congested city streets, increase the network of modernised traffic lights and improve traffic safety. 

Later during the press conference, Igor Kanatchenko answered more questions from journalists of other publications.
