
Urbantech Group’s Inclusive Employment Project Wins Russia’s Best ESG Projects Award

Urbantech Group’s autistic employment project has won the Russia’s Best ESG Projects award in the Overcoming Inequality. Inclusivity and Diversity category.
The Russia’s Best ESG Projects Program is an annual event that demonstrates best practices in the environment, social, and governance areas.

At the forum held as part of the Program industry leaders, company top managers, leading media and public sector representatives discussed pressing issues of the ESG agenda, rethinking of image-setting standards and sustainability of business approaches. Anna Shapiro, Urbantech’s Chief Personnel Officer, participated in the “Direct Inclusion: How Russia’s Inclusive Environment Is Shaped” practical session where she shared our company’s autistic employment practices.
“The concepts of inclusivity and diversity are inextricably linked to one another. We live in a rapidly changing world characterized by a growing understanding and adoption of diversity, diversity across the board, in people’s unique needs, nature of their employment, their ideas and opinions. Our project is just an example of how our company progresses towards a world without restrictions, where everyone can find a place for oneself, enjoy social inclusion, work, and have a sense of one’s purpose and importance. We are happy to be part of this,” noted Anna Shapiro, Urbantech’s Chief Personnel Officer.
Source: Urbantech Group’s press service