
Moscow Region’s Governor Presented CDESW Control Case at AI Journey Conference

On 23-24 November, the largest international conference on artificial intelligence, AI Journey 2022, was held in Moscow’s Center for International Trade; the Conference brought together experts, AI market players, and government authorities.

Andrey Vorobyov, the Moscow Region Governor, presented a successful case where artificial intelligence was used to monitor construction waste disposal; Urbantech Group of Companies has been implementing this project in the Moscow Region since 2021.

“Artificial intelligence helps us to track down violations in construction waste transportation process: the neural network, powered by traffic cameras, verifies the carrier’s documents and alerts the oversight authorities. In 2023, we shall launch a new project where the system will fully replace the inspector; it will write out tickets and take enforcement action against violators, all on its own,” said Andrey Vorobyov, the Governor of the Moscow Region.

Source: Official news channel of Andrey Vorobyov, the Governor of the Moscow Region