
In Makhachkala, It Now Takes 15 Minutes to Dissipate a Traffic Jam

Speaking at Kazan Digital Week 2022 international forum, Urbantech’s Regional Development Director Alexander Dubinin described what may be done to overcome traffic jams, what benefits the “green wave” can bring, and what difficulties operators of IT solutions for the transport industry are facing.

Before STS can be implemented at the regional level, it is important to outline the main issues to be resolved, and each region’s local specifics. 

“To accomplish a region’s objectives, we need to take a holistic view of the problem and of the tools proposed. We gather traffic situation data, analyze it, do consulting, develop a design and only then we proceed to the implementation stage. Implementation of STS elements is always followed by an efficiency analysis of the solutions chosen. This approach is the only one workable,” Alexander Dubinin noted.

As STS was implemented in Makhachkala, it turned out that the region’s accident rate is impacted not only by insufficient road network capacity, but also by haphazard parking patterns, etc. To bring Makhachkala’s traffic situation back to normal, the Traffic Management Center was established, complemented by traffic cameras and controllers, innovative road and pedestrian traffic lights. “Green waves” were launched on main arteries, the Peter the First and the Rasul Gamzatov Avenues and the Yaragskogo Street. These solutions have allowed to increase downtown street capacity by 15%, and traffic jams now take just 15 minutes to “dissolve”, thanks to fine-tuned traffic lights.

Similar results were achieved in STS implementation in the Moscow Region; here, in addition, the system has progressed to the so-called second level of digital maturity. Urbantech not only optimized traffic in Krasnogorsk, Sergiev Posad, towns of Shchelkovo and Fryazino, but also set up a feedback loop with the local communities. As the result, the entire road network capacity increased by a quarter, motorists in those Moscow Region towns save 20% of travel time, and traffic situation improvements were noted by over 36% local citizens in a survey. 
