
Accident Rates on Moscow Region Roads Cut By As Much As 80%: A Success Story

Over the time of traffic enforcement cameras use in the Moscow Region, there has been a 42% reduction in the overall number of traffic accidents, this improvement reaching 80% in the areas covered by cameras. Alexander Dombrosvsky, Director of Traffic Safety and Analytics Department at MVS Group (operator of the traffic safety concession in the Moscow Region, member of the Urbantech Group) said so in an interview at the 360 TV channel. Watch video:
The traffic capturing technology is the most effective method of reducing traffic hazards. Initially, traffic enforcement cameras were only capable of detecting overspeeding violations. Modern units track around twenty types of violations, including loose safety belt, phoning while driving, driving on shoulder, or non-observance of surface markings.

Lately, neural network technologies have been used to recognize vehicle type, make, and model. In the future, the camera industry will evolve towards automatic capturing of traffic violations by pedestrians, e.g. jaywalking.

Traffic enforcement cameras have also helped to achieve a 70% reduction in the number of unauthorized construction waste dumps in the Moscow Region. Furthermore, regional authorities monitor taxi cab compliance with prescribed color patterns as part of the Tax Control program.

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