
Urbatech Installed 22 Traffic Enforcement Complexes in Dagestan

Urbantech has successfully closed a contract for the installation of traffic enforcement cameras in Dagestan.

In line with the contracts, the company secured installation of versatile stationary traffic enforcement complexes and cryptrographic data protection means, provided construction, installation and startup services, set up protected telecommunication channels, and made sure that the equipment supplied by it links to the information system of the Traffic Violation Automatic Registration Center of Dagestan’s Regional Traffic Police Department.

It is noted that in addition to such boilerplate functions as speed metering, registration of unauthorized heavy vehicle passage, shoulder and wrong-way driving, observance of traffic signs and road striping, the complexes installed can register loose safety belts or phone talking while driving.

The complexes provide automatic registration of captured traffic violation materials and transmit information both in real-time and on demand, for administrative offense report issuance purposes. Furthermore, new cameras are programmed to restore to the operational mode after a power failure, and can work in unstable power supply environments.
