
STS Implementation in Nizhny Novgorod Region

Urbantech Group embarks on the first stage of implementing a smart traffic system in the Nizhny Novgorod Urban Agglomeration. The region’s authorities hope that this project, once implemented, will reduce the number of traffic accidents, enhance road capacity, improve traffic safety and the quality of service for public transport passengers.

Putting in place a unified traffic system management platform (UTSMP) is just the first STS implementation stage. The platform will bring together five information systems: the Regional Navigation and Information System (RNIS), public transport despatch and passenger notification automated systems, the Safe City automated software complex, and the Titul-2005 geographical information system. Furthermore, 20 new modules and sub-systems will be connected. The system will enable integrated functioning of all STS sub-systems and services to enhance road capacity and traffic safety.

System functionality will enable priority passage for special transport, fine-tune prescriptive management of traffic lights, provide access to the video surveillance system enabling identification and forecasting of traffic accidents, emergencies, etc. The project also comprises management modules for general traffic, public transport traffic, road maintenance works and STS management in accident and emergency situations, as well as a geographic information system for data gathering, storage, analysis, and graphical visualization.

By April 2023, the system will be fully deployed and will allow to cover all STS peripherals that will be installed throughout the city by that time. In this way, the Nizhny Novgorod Urban Agglomeration STS will reach Digital Maturity Level Two according to the Russian Transportation Ministry’s methodology, and will provide the basis for a transition to Level Three.
