
Crisis Is the Best Time for Development

Mr. Gazimagomedov, there is a saying that crisis is the best time for development. Do you think this holds true for Dagestan?

This year, our life has changed; together with our entire country, our Republic is rebuilding all sectors of economy, supply chains, our relationships with enterprises and partners. Our manufacturers, Azimut and DNII Volna, have something to offer the Russian market in the sphere of software, too. 

In 2021, Dagestan received a federal subsidy to support the implementation of a smart traffic system. A decline in lethal accidents rate has already become visible in our region. Would you link this to STS implementation, and how would you assess interim project results?

We are implementing the smart traffic system stage-by-stage, in line with our Republic’s digital transformation strategy. We have already installed about 50 traffic cameras, almost 200 road and pedestrian traffic lights, strategic and tactical detectors. I can say that we have worked hard – we established a traffic management center, a data processing center, implemented the required modules and sub-systems for the whole system to work effectively and in an integrated manner.

Considering that federal highways are a priority, shouldn’t the STS implementation zone be expanded on these arteries to reduce accident rates?

In Dagestan, the primary cause of lethal accidents is overspeeding and wrong way driving. To this end, implementation of smart traffic systems, installation of traffic enforcement cameras and unavoidability of punishment for violations reinforce discipline. As regards STS, we shall be finishing the second implementation stage this year, with the third one lying ahead in the year to come. We shall carry on upgrading traffic lights, bring in traffic forecasting and modeling, and in particular, create a digital transport model of our entire agglomeration. We are certain that transport industry digitization will help reduce accident and casualty rates. We seek to bring this statistics down to zero in cities. 
