
Urbantech Group of Companies spoke about digital twins for road transport infrastructure at the Army 2023 International Military Technical Forum

Alexander Dubinin, Regional Development Director in Urbantech Group of Companies, discussed the challenges in management and operation of road and transport infrastructure during a round table discussion on how to create a contemporary environment for comfortable urban living.
The main challenge, he said, is that there is no common database of road and infrastructure facilities and no options for complete information transfer. Moreover, the owner and the operator may have different data on the same facility, which results in high infrastructure maintenance costs, and does not allow to plan for its development in an efficient manner.

Urbantech presented a successful case study – a digital twin project in Moscow based on Autodiscovery software-hardware complex, which is used to monitor road infrastructure facilities.

The project was launched in 2021. Since then, Urbantech has digitized 7,000 km of roads, 1.7 million road infrastructure elements and 28 road and transport infrastructure facilities.
The mobile Autodiscovery units auto-capture road infrastructure facilities while they are moving through the city and enter the data into the database in online mode. The captured objects are subsequently recognized by a pre-trained neural network.
The Autodiscovery project is intended for infrastructure facility owners, city management and operating companies, as it provides complete documentation, cartographic base and facility passports with a complete history. This data helps the customer to provide immediate incident response, taking due measures to restore any damaged road and transport facilities, as well as to update the paperwork for traffic management projects and integrated traffic management schemes.
Source: Urbantech Group’s press service