
Saving Children’s Lives – Is Real Improving Traffic Safety

Worldwide, traffic accidents are the main cause of death among children between 15 and 19 years of age, and the second largest cause of death among children between 5 and 14 years of age. To solve this problem, the society uses all means available to it, including new technology.

Traffic enforcement cameras are an efficient and effective measure designed to reduce traffic accident rate. State-of-the-art cameras register over 50 elements of traffic rules violation, including loose safety belt, failure to respect pedestrians’ priority, and so on. As a study undertaken by the Higher School of Economy National Research Institute’s Traffic and Transport Policy Institute shows, the number of accidents in camera coverage areas reduces at twice the rate, and the number of casualties, at 3–6 times the rate versus average traffic situation trends.

The adoption of self-driving transport will become yet another step towards increased traffic safety. Speaking in terms of accident prevention, unmanned vehicles have many more undeniable advantages versus humans. A vehicle of this kind simply cannot get distracted, it has no blind spots or tunnel vision. Unmanned vehicles are designed to simultaneously observe and analyze everything that goes on around them.

Russian developments, led by Yandex and Sber, make use of the lidar technology. Sensors simply identify obstacles along the vehicle’s route. The object itself is irrelevant, the vehicle will stop in any case. The technology is currently field-tested in separate city blocks and is only preparing to hit the road. However, if everything is done right, this will give a significant boost to traffic safety.

As we implement smart traffic systems, this takes us yet closer to successful implementation of the “smart city” concept, intended to bring comfort and safety. Projects of this kind should be implemented on a priority basis where there are problems with traffic management and accident rates. In Dagestan, where Urbantech specialists are currently working on STS implementation. Over 6.5 months, the Data Processing Center and the Traffic Management Center have been set up, 11 modules and sub-systems were implemented, complemented by traffic detectors and controllers, traffic enforcement cameras and traffic lights; all this allowed to improve street traffic capacity and mitigate the risk of accidents.
