
Urbantech Group shares experience on addressing rule violations at railway crossings in the Moscow Region with transport authorities from 22 regions

Alexander Vlasov, Sales Director of Urbantech Group, shared his experience in monitoring violations at railway crossings at a meeting of the Ministry of Transport of the Moscow Region. The meeting was aimed at sharing successful practices in preventing non-industrial injuries at railway infrastructure facilities. Representatives of transport authorities from 22 Russian regions also attended the meeting.
Alexey Gerzhik, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport and Road Infrastructure of the Moscow Region, recognized the positive impact of installing cameras to monitor rule violations at railway crossings.
“Installing cameras with facial recognition is one of the most effective ways to combat violations of railway crossing rules. We began this project in 2022 and have already set up about 120 cameras at 65 stations in the Moscow Region, where the highest death rates and most traffic rule violations have been recorded. As a result, at the stations equipped with cameras, the number of fatalities and crossing rule violations has been reduced by 90%."
It should be noted that last year, over 200 deaths were recorded on the railways in the Moscow Region, which is 19% less compared to 2022. The most common violations on the railways include walking on tracks in non-designated areas (the main cause of fatalities), crossing the railway in front of a train, and attempting to get on or off the platform improperly. To monitor violations, Urbantech Group installed 8 cameras equipped with Railway Control software at four stations in the Moscow Region.

How does the system work? The cameras shoot video of the railway crossing and the part of the platform closest to it. These cameras detect violations such as running red lights in both directions and attempts to improperly get on or off the platform. After a violation is detected, evidence is assembled to issue an administrative offense order. This evidence includes a video clip and photos of the moment the violation occurred, facial recognition and a photo of the violator's face, as well as the time and location of the violation. Then, the photo and video materials are sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to identify the violator and issue an administrative violation order.

Photo and video surveillance of violations at railway crossings help reduce death and injury rates from accidents. During seven months of operation, 2,026 fines were issued and, where video surveillance was set up, the mortality rate fell by 90%.

Source: Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure