
«IT Companies Offering Comprehensive Solutions Come to the Fore»

In his interview for the Commersant newspaper, the Chief Commercial Officer of Urbantech Group of Companies spoke about the company’s already existing projects and how they impact regions, as well as about new developments.

During the interview, the speaker described the construction waste disposal control project. According to the speaker, the Leningrad Region ranks the fourth among Russian regions in terms of illegal waste dumps. Every year, approximately 2.5 million tons of construction waste generated by St. Petersburg is illegally removed and dumped in the Leningrad Region’s forests. In 2021, over 1 billion rubles of regional government funds was spent to eliminate these waste dumps. This is not only a matter of economic damage, it has already become a direct threat to the wellbeing of those living in the region. The construction waste issue cannot be solved by simply automating the inspectors’ work. Amendments to regional laws and platforms that would ensure transparent control over transportation of every cubic meter of waste from the construction site to a legal waste disposal and processing site are necessary, too. The Moscow Region has pioneered this reform among Russia’s regions. Over the period from mid-2021 to mid-2022, the region succeeded in cutting the number of illegal waste dumps by half, thus saving money on their elimination.

The speaker further said that by December 2022, enforcement cameras will be installed at some town street crossings in the Primorsky, Vyborgsky, Nevsky, Krasnoselsky, and Kalininsky districts; the company will provide full maintenance of these cameras. Besides, discussions are ongoing around the deployment of a kick-sharing operators online monitoring platform that will allow to automate data exchange between such operators and the city administration, thereby enhancing compliance with the rental kick scooter and bike use and parking rules.

The interview also touched upon how the crisis impacts the transport digitization market. According to Daniil Khazov, Russian companies offering domestic products will come to the fore since they are squarely footed in the market and are immune to the international policy settings; at the same time, the government’s role in the infrastructure market will become more prominent, too. Companies capable of operating independently on equipment of Russian origin, developing sanction-proof software, and ready to provide comprehensive maintenance of their products and systems will be the winners. Besides, the speaker noted that IT companies capable of offering comprehensive solutions and providing their companies with turnkey service are now coming to the fore.
