
The robotic driver is not ready for the trip

Alexey Zanchurin, Head of Transport Consulting at Urbantech Group, spoke in an interview with Vedomosti about the development of unmanned transportation in Russia
Unmanned transportation cannot not exist on its own; it requires a prepared infrastructure based on an intelligent transport system (ITS). The robotic driver is just a part of it.

ITS is a sophisticated transportation and traffic management system, based on complex mathematical models, data and probability mechanisms.

What has changed due to the intelligent transportation system

Moscow and the Moscow region are an example of what we have achieved. Thanks to the pilot implementation of ITS elements in Shchelkovo and Fryazino, it is now possible to drive through the city in 15-20 minutes even during peak hours, and the average speed of traffic flow to and from Moscow has increased by 10% and 30%, respectively. We managed to increase the throughput of outbound highways by an average of 15% in Makhachkala, just by reconfiguring traffic lights. However, this is only a preparation for the introduction of future technologies.
The architecture of the single transport management platform (STMP) already includes subsystems that ensure the movement of unmanned vehicles and manage "smart road" facilities. The V2X (Vehicle to everything) module will connect the unmanned vehicles to the infrastructure facilities, such as road networks, communication infrastructure, traffic lights, parking lots, toll roads, other vehicles, etc. Without this, the unmanned vehicles will pose a danger to the road users.

Unmanned transportation in Russia

Steady development of unmanned transportation in Russia will only be possible if we overcome the technological dependence on imported equipment for ITS and communication systems.

Now an entire polygon for full-fledged testing of unmanned vehicles and appropriate infrastructure is being built in Tatarstan. Pilot projects are also being implemented in the Moscow region. Unmanned vehicle operators also test and fine-tune the on-board hardware – lidars, cameras, data processing equipment, communication devices and algorithms.
Unmanned transportation in Russia is developing at a rapid pace, but there are still many challenges to overcome. Given the rapidly changing geopolitical conditions, it is quite difficult to predict when unmanned vehicles will fully make it to the Russian roads.
Source: Vedomosti