
Urbantech Group to Implement Smart Upgrades on 28 Traffic Lights Units in Nizhny Novgorod

In downtown Nizny Novgorod, 28 street crossings will be equipped with smart devices supplied by Urbantech Group that implements a smart transport system (STS) development project within the Niznny Novgorod urban agglomeration.

Signal-controlled crossings will be equipped with 28 managed traffic controllers, complemented by 97 tactical transport detectors and 63 traffic surveillance cameras. The project will be implemented in Nizhny Novgorod’s downtown streets, the Belinskogo, Rodionova Streets and the Gagarin Avenue.

“Once installed, the video detectors will gather and process traffic speed and density data, thereby allowing to develop and implement optimal traffic management scenarios. Detectors will also recognize vehicle license plate numbers for subsequent law enforcement and stolen vehicle search purposes,” company sources commented.

Once put in service, the smart equipment will allow to automatically coordinate traffic lights, working adaptively and launching a “green” or a “red” wave or switch to manual dispatcher-led management as required.

“This upgrade of 28 traffic lights units is an important stage in building a smart transport system of the second digital maturity level in the Nizhny Novgorod urban agglomeration. We plan to carry on with the development of an advanced traffic lights network,” commented Artyom Bafanov, Director of Transport System Development Center, a state public institution for the Nizhny Novgorod Region.
