
New Traffic Enforcement Camera Units on Moscow Region Roads

This year, to further enhance road safety, bring down the mortality and injury rates on the Moscow Region roads, 600 more stationary traffic enforcement camera units will be installed in the region, complementing the existing fleet of 1,257 stationary and 200 mobile units. New unit installations are already ongoing; professional staff of MVS Group (a member of the Urbantech Group of Companies) install latest-generation traffic enforcement camera units, Azimut 4, of domestic origin.
This high-tech unit is manufactured by Tekhnologii bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizheniya (Road Traffic Safety Technologies) (a Russian company and part of the Urbantech Group), a developer of road traffic safety technologies and equipment with over 20 years of experience.

Azimut 4 units are among TOP 3 traffic enforcement cameras and have already proven their effectiveness in bringing down traffic accident rates in 36 of Russia’s regions. They are capable of recognizing 25 types of traffic violations, including offences that require data processing by a neural network: loose safety belt, talking over the phone while driving, nature of cargoes, etc.

Azimut 4 equipment also allows to recognize vehicle make and color, provide data feeds for city-wide smart transport systems, thereby enhancing road safety levels.

To remind, the Moscow Region’s traffic enforcement camera network is one of Russia’s most advanced and effective traffic accident reduction systems. Over 6 years, the number of traffic accidents, as well as casualty and injury rates have reduced by more than 40%. Azimut 4 units will not only reinforce the existing traffic enforcement camera network capabilities, but will accelerate the downward trends in all major accident rate metrics on the Moscow Region roads.