
Early Mover in North Caucasus: City Traffic Management Center Launched in Makhachkala

Dagestan’s Smart Traffic System Project took off in November 2021. At present, the STS covers four roads: the Peter the First and Rasul Gamzatov Avenues, the Yaragsky and Korkmasov Streets. 23 traffic lights were upgraded, 24 strategic traffic detectors and 41 video cameras were installed in the city streets. 

The Makhachkala Agglomeration became the first one since STS implementation launch to establish a Traffic Management Center which is the region’s excellence center for smart traffic system maintenance and development in Dagestan. The TMC IT platform automatically accumulates data on traffic density, jams, and accidents.

Following the first STS implementation stage, the Makhachkala Administration is now able to manage traffic flows in real time, promptly respond to traffic accidents, and monitor the quality of public transport service. Already now, the traffic throughput capacity of the Peter the First and Rasul Gamzatov Avenues has improved by 11% and 9% during the morning and evening rush hours, respectively.

By October 2023, 12 more smart traffic lights will be installed in the Akushinsky and Gamidov Avenues, complemented by an Accident and Emergency Despatch Management Module, a Road Condition Management Sub-System, a Transport Planning and Modeling Module, and a Transport Infrastructure Digital Twin Module.
