
Urbantech’s Unified Traffic System Management Platform Included in Domestic Software Register

Pursuant to the Russian Digital Ministry’s assignment dated 20 May 2022, the Sputnik Unified Traffic System Management Platform software developed by Urbantech-IT (part of Urbantech Group) has been included in the unified register of domestic software and databases. The software is classified as an information system intended for resolving industry-specific traffic objectives.

The unified traffic system management platform is an effective means for centralized management of the entire transport complex. The platform can accommodate 18 modules and uses data aggregation to monitor real-time traffic situation, analyze data on traffic flows, traffic violations, accidents and emergencies, as well as public transport functioning.

The platform allows to build optimal traffic scenarios by coordinating hundreds of crossroads and pedestrian crossings. As integration of any vendors’ equipment and systems adds up to a complete picture, it becomes possible to manage traffic with maximum effectiveness, controlling the road network capacity and loads. The platform reduces maintenance costs while improving transportation service quality.