
Urbantech Group to install 200 new traffic cameras in Dagestan under concession agreement

The Ministry of Transport and Road Facilities of the Republic of Dagestan has signed a concession agreement with Urbantech Group for the installation of 200 new, latest-generation Azimut 4 traffic enforcement cameras.
Fifty-seven municipal and thirty-one regional road sections in Dagestan will be equipped with new devices for monitoring compliance with traffic rules, while 112 units will be installed on federal highways.

All 200 Azimut 4 traffic enforcement camera units will be installed by Urbantech Group during the first half of 2024 at the company's own expense. After commissioning, the company will transfer the equipment to the Republic of Dagestan Government's ownership and will continue its maintenance and technical operation without using budget funds.

Under the concession agreement, Urbantech Group will ensure all 200 traffic enforcement cameras operate uninterrupted and receive prompt maintenance 24/7. At the same time, the proportion of inoperable units must not exceed 5%.
“Traffic enforcement cameras are a crucial component of road safety infrastructure. “Given the long-term plans for the development of the tourism sector and the North-South International Transport Corridor, the importance of safe roads and modern tools for accident reduction is becoming increasingly pertinent,” says Andrey Denisenkov, General Director of Urbantech Group.“We are confident that our project will make a substantial contribution to road safety throughout the Republic of Dagestan and enhance the region's appeal to tourists.”
“This year, an additional 200 traffic enforcement cameras will be installed on the roads of the Republic. The number of new units to be installed has been calculated based on the region's needs for reducing its accident rate. The installation sites are determined by the State Traffic Inspectorate and the Ministry of Transport of Dagestan. First of all, these include hazardous areas, points of high traffic accident concentration, unregulated pedestrian crossings, and intersections on municipal, regional, and federal highways,” said Dzhambulat Salavov, Minister of Transport and Road Facilities of the Republic of Dagestan. “Our common task with Urbantech Group is to significantly reduce the accident rate on our roads. We are confident that the increase in the number of traffic enforcement cameras will speed up this process and increase driving discipline on the roads of the Republic.”
Source: Urbantech Group press service